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Bute-Less Solution ( B-L )

By Bute-Less
  • In Stock
Size: Gallon

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Product Description
B-L (Bute-Less Solution) is a natural bute substitute. It also includes two potent natural plants, Yucca liliaceae, or yucca, and Harpagophytum procumbens, or devil's claw, in addition to B12.
Who is Bute-Less Solution ( B-L ) for?
Why use Bute-Less Solution ( B-L )?
Bute-Less Solution is a B12 vitamin supplement that incorporates devil's claw and yucca.
How does Bute-Less Solution ( B-L ) work?
This product contains yucca liliaceae, or yucca, and Harpagophytum procumbens, or devil's claw, two of the most powerful natural plants. It's also a good source of the vitamin B-12. It is akin to bute or cortisone and has anti-inflammatory qualities, and it is made of test-free materials. It's a great product for horses with arthritis or rheumatism.
W F Young
Active Ingredients(s):
Water Dextrose Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum Procumbens extract) Yucca Schidigera extract (a natural flavoring agent) Vitamin B-12 supplement Xanthan Gum Propionic Acid (a Guaranteed Analysis: Vitamin B-12, min 300 mcg/lb.
How is Bute-Less Solution ( B-L ) sold?
1 gallon/128 oz
What are the side effects of Bute-Less Solution ( B-L )?
There are no currently known side effects from this product.
What to do if overdose?
If overdose occurs, please contact your local pet hospital or emergency pet clinic immediately.
How can I store Bute-Less Solution ( B-L )?
Keep product stored in a dry and cool environment.
Administer 1 ounce daily to average horses (approximately 1100 pounds). Dosing is based on an adult horse weighing 1100 pounds. Titrate the dose if you have a smaller or larger horse or pony by administering more or less, respectively. This container provides a 32-day supply. Administer orally or by mixing with the horse's usual feed.
Main Ingredients
Water Dextrose Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum Procumbens extract) Yucca Schidigera extract (a natural flavoring agent) Vitamin B-12 supplement Xanthan Gum Propionic Acid (a Guaranteed Analysis: Vitamin B-12, min 300 mcg/lb.